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Feb 23, 2025 - Mar 1, 2025
February 24
Refresh Worship
Time: 11:00 AM | Location: CLC

February 25
RSO Educational Concert
Time: 8:00 AM - 12:00 AM | Location: Hale Auditorium

February 25
Dance Team Practice
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM | Location: Vac - Raquetball Court

February 25
Social Life Coloring Night
Time: 8:00 PM | Location: GCEC 102

Come join Social Life and de-stress with coloring and specialty beverages in the GCEC big room! 

February 26
Elimination Begins
Time: All Day Event | Location:

The game is simple. You receive a name in your mailbox, along with a squirtgun. Your goal? "Eliminate" your target. The catch? Someone else has your name, and they're out to get you, too. 

Please email to sign up by Friday, February 14th! The game will begin Wednesday, February 26th at 12pm. May the odds be ever in your favor.

February 26
Women's Basketball vs D'Youville University
Time: 6:00 PM | Location: Roberts Wesleyan University Rochester NY

February 26
Men's Basketball vs D'Youville University
Time: 8:00 PM | Location: Roberts Wesleyan University Rochester NY

February 26
Time: 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM | Location: GCEC 102-ABC

February 27
Dance Team Practice
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM | Location: Vac - Raquetball Court

February 27
Prayer Group
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM | Location: GCEC Prayer Chapel

Come connect with God and our peers as we pray for our community! 

February 27
Men's Volleyball vs. Daemen University
Time: 7:00 PM | Location: Voller Athletic Center, Roberts Wesleyan University, Rochester NY

February 27
FCA Huddle
Time: 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM | Location: Fireside Lounge in the Library

February 28
Women's Lacrosse @ St,. Anselm College
Time: All Day Event | Location: St Anselm College, Manchester NH

February 28
Campus One80
Time: 11:45 AM | Location: GCEC 102

February 28
Commuter Connect
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM | Location: Upstairs Lounge in GCEC

Commuters come enjoy lunch, there will be pizza, snacks, prizes and a chance to connect with other commuters and residential students. Hope to see you there! Sponsored by Student Life. Email Joesph Saia with questions! 

February 28
Flip Flop Friday Decorating Table in Garlock
Time: 12:00 PM | Location:

Come decorate a pair of Flip Flops and celebrate Flip Flop Friday! There will be 50 pairs of flip flops being provided for decoration. 

February 28
Men's Lacrosse vs. Assumption College
Time: 5:00 PM | Location: Roberts Wesleyan University, Rochester NY

February 28
Dance Team Practice
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM | Location: Shewan Recital Hall

February 28
Flip Flop Fest
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM | Location: VAC Gym

Kickball Tournament signups can be sent to by 2/27 

Wear your flip flops on Feb 28 to earn an extra raffle ticket! 

Photo Contest Submissions can be sent to

Flip Flop Fest Raffle basket includes signed Flip Flops by President Hayles, summer themed prizes, and a $50 Amazon Gift Card! 

February 28
Team Handball & Table Tennis Playoff's & Finals
Time: 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM | Location: VAC

March 1
Women's Bowling - Redhawks Roc City Classic
Time: 10:00 AM | Location: Bowlero Empire, 2400 Empire Blvd. Webster NY

March 1
Lifting Club
Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM | Location: VAC Weight Room

March 1
Men's Volleyball vs. Dominican University
Time: 11:00 AM | Location: Voller Athletic Center, Roberts Wesleyan University, Rochester NY

March 1
ROC Solid
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM | Location: GCEC 219

March 1
Men's Volleyball vs. Dominican University
Time: 1:00 PM | Location: Voller Athletic Center, Roberts Wesleyan University, Rochester NY

March 1
Women's Basketball @ Daemen University
Time: 2:00 PM | Location: Daemen University, Buffalo NY

March 1
Men's Basketball @ Daemen University
Time: 4:00 PM | Location: Daemen University, Buffalo NY

March 1
RSO Concert
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM | Location: Hale Auditorium